J.S.Cooling's industrial refrigeration solutions are mainly focused on one of the best refrigerants, ammonia. We build plants based on our own equipment suitable for NH3 – including chillers, condensers, coolers, pressure vessels, process pipelines and evaporators. By relying on our own manufactured equipment, we are able to perfectly adapt the refrigeration plant to the needs of our customers. To increase safety and reduce maintenance and construction costs, we use intermediate agents such as propylene glycol, freezium (potassium formate). The cold can then be applied without restriction to the production areas, including those of the food industry – dairies, meat processing plants, breweries, fish processing, etc.
When building our installations we do not forget about energy efficiency and ecology:
- Starting with the NH3 agent itself – it is environmentally friendly and, unlike its synthetic counterparts, has no negative impact on the environment.
- We equip our units with modern energy-saving electric motors, which significantly reduce the power consumption of the unit and additionally accelerate the return on investment. For the compression of ammonia vapour, we only choose screw compressors with a high COP, which tells us about the high amount of horsepower produced per kWh.
- We use condensation heat recovery systems – this is the heat generated in the production of cold, which is a "waste" product and is evaporated if it is not used. Otherwise it can be used for space or process heating.
- In our air handling units we install heat exchangers to recover heat that would otherwise be lost in the ventilation process. This application leads to significant savings on the heating of all kinds of industrial premises.
- By installing cooling tunnels, we also contribute to energy saving by reducing the time and increasing the efficiency of cooling down goods. The cooling losses are then considerably reduced due to the shortened cooling process and the reduced space to be cooled.
We offer a comprehensive warranty and post-warranty service for installations and equipment.
- refurbishment of piston and screw refrigeration compressors (we are a certified service for BITZER refrigeration compressors)
- cleaning of plate heat exchangers - condensers, oil coolers, etc.
As one of the few companies, we offer a comprehensive cleaning service including the process of emptying the exchanger of the refrigerant, e.g. ammonia, freon, thanks to recovery stations for these agents.
Our service is equipped with automatic and mobile cleaning units. We rely on cleaning products from ALFA&LAVAL (AlfaPhos) and KAMIX.
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